20 simple things to do when you miss your ex and live a happy life.

Are you miss your ex?

If yes, then it’s alright…

Missing your ex is normal after a breakup. So, it’s okay.

First, you are in love with your partner, then you live together in a relationship, and after a few years, you face a sad ending for some reason.

And yes, If you feel unlucky, you are wrong because you are separated for some good purpose. And this is the reality, you accept it.

It is not surprising to remember your ex-partner after the breakup or divorce. But when you miss your partner you feel sad and you are tempted to contact them and make the pain go away.

But your conscience and mind are preventing you from talking and meeting that old partner again. And reminiscent of those difficult moments.

So you looking for some solutions to find happiness again. Here we suggest some easy and simple ways to do for recovering from that grief and pain.

But before learning the ways to do when you miss your ex you need to know why you miss your ex so much.

Why do you miss your ex so much?

It is always difficult to stop thinking about someone you once loved so much, that’s why a breakup is hard. But one thing you remember is that you are not alone who facing this hard situation.

But we try to help you understand why you miss your ex so much as well as help you find ways to deal with those feelings.

If you have recently gone through the grief and pain of the breakup, then it’s normal to miss your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend.

You might find yourself remembering the good things and moments of your relationships and pining for them due to the loneliness that you’re feeling.

Related Reading: 20 simple ways to fix a troubled marriage.

What to do when you miss your ex?

Read this when you miss your ex…

It doesn’t matter why you separate or the pain you experienced with an ex. There were some good times, things that you shared with one another, and moments that were special to you.

It is understandable that, at times, you miss your ex and these memories. There are some obvious and apparent ways to deal with this, and the first is to remember that your relationship was broken up for a reason.

Remember the reason behind the break-up.

There are a number of reasons why you and your partner decide to separate. Maybe something went wrong with you or something wrong with your partner or something misunderstood between the two of you.

Whatever the case may be, you will feel the pain of the separation. It may have been a while since your divorce or breakup, but it still haunts you.

In another weak moment, you miss your ex and want to talk to her or him. But missing your ex is bad for you and your current relationship.

So the first thing you do is recall all the reasons behind your breakup and also recall how much your partner hurt you. Those moments of sorrow and suffering create a bad impression of your ex in your heart.

Write down your feelings and thoughts.

What to do when you miss your ex so much it hurts?

You will have more pain if you keep the sadness inside your heart. This is one type of torture for yourself.

Although crying may help ease the pain, the best way to relieve the pain is to write down your feelings on a note. This is applied to the person who has the fear of intimacy.

Some people express their feelings very easily in front of others and some people do not like to express themselves.

They think that the person in front of them will not understand him or her, or that he or she will later criticize them or break their faith and reveal it to others.

If you have no trusted friends or acquaintances, this will definitely work for you. So try this when you miss your ex.

Related Reading: 20 warning signs your marriage is in trouble.

Talk to your friends.

What to do when you miss your ex best friend?

Don’t do this when you miss your ex and want to talk to him or her, you can contact your friends and go out with them.

This is the best way to subside your loneliness because you are with people you can have fun with but not all friends give you happiness, some friends who understand your state of mind can relieve your grief.

Allow yourself to hang out with your old friends or make new ones on your social account.

With this added support network you will be started feeling better because staying busy with everyone make you feel good about yourself.

what to do when you miss your ex?
what to do when you miss your ex?

Keep yourself busy.

Everyone will advise you to keep yourself busy with any task and yes, this is good advice, and we will also recommend you engage yourself in any assignment or homework as much as possible.

Because if you sit alone and do nothing else, you will miss your ex so much and you will have a lot of pain. So, Keep yourself busy whether you want to or not.

It is best to join an organization working for an old age home or an orphanage. Or give yourself a list of work to do that can help you to turn your sadness into productivity.

Think of yourself.

How long will you hurt yourself? Will your broken relationship be settled if you hurt yourself? All you have to do is grieve and suffer.

As a mature person, you know that self-care is important at any time, especially when you miss your ex. We understand that you feel sad.

But it doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to care for yourself. Now you need to be a little selfish and think only about yourself.

Because now your relationship has ended. Instead of missing your ex focus on putting yourself first over others.

Related Reading: 10 different types of intimacy for a healthy relationship.

Go for a trip with your friends.

Whether you are meeting up with your close friends or just going out for a long drive or travel not only distracts you from what you are missing in your life but also keeps your spirit up.

This one is the most effective way to deal with a breakup. Now you think about where you go. Or which place is better for you? Who to go with?

For your kind information, it doesn’t matter where you go, just get out of your home, city, or state and explore somewhere new. Wherever you want to go, go there.

You just plan to leave when you are free and spend at least one day and night outside your city. And this plan must be an extemporization trip. The wind and nature immediately make you feel better.

Now you can do everything you want.

Breaking up with someone is a big loss for everyone. In another word, this is the death of a relationship. And you lose a part of your life. No matter how it halts, it does.

This is a real fact that every people who are engaged in a relationship sometimes sacrifices their wishes and wants for the sake of their partner or their relationship.

Now you take the advantage of the opportunity you spend all of your time exactly as you want. You do what you like and grow up in your life.

You do everything that you like but don’t do the work which is harmful to you or others.

Bring and take care of a pet.

It is best to keep pets at home and treat them as family members because they are selfless and trustworthy, they bring more joy and happiness to your life.

And the interesting thing is they are waiting for you when you get home from the office or outside of the house.

If you have a pet then you will spend less time worrying about your ex because you are bound to do something other.

When you feel down they will provide something to look forward to because they are always on your side. They remind you to take care of yourself.

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Let the tears flow.

What to do when you miss your ex after years?

The happy moments and all the intimate moments you spent with your ex-partner will always be remembered in your mind until your head is hit.

It is alright to remember them from time to time because they will normally haunt you while in this phase and you deal with them continuously.

If you forced yourself to forget that memory then you only repress them inside your heart and it will ultimately resurface and sometimes comes to your dream.

Let your tears flow as you remember your past. Feel the pain that comes with those tears and the sweet memories. The harder you endure, the stronger you become.

One day you will be stronger and you learn how to deal with them, and also you are tired of crying over them, and you understand that it doesn’t hurt the same anymore.

Disconnect all communications with your ex.

No matter how much you miss your ex or how much you are tempted to contact your ex, you just fix one thing in your mind you do not communicate with him or her.

If you communicate with your ex you may receive a painful response from him or her and it will prolong your suffering and grief.

So stay away from that person as much as possible. And if the breakup or divorce was a mutual decision then you and your ex could agree to change your mobile number and block each other.

If possible block your ex from social media sites and disconnect all communications with him or her. Stop thinking that you miss your ex.

Divert your attention.

What to do when you miss your ex after months?

There is only one way to push the pain away by keeping your ex off your thoughts and diverting your attention.

Whenever he or she starts creeping into your mind just find something else to focus on. You do your pending work like cleaning your room, arranging your books and notes, and finishing your homework.

As an emotionally mature person, Keep yourself constantly busy with some other important work and it is effective to forget your ex.

If you like to cook then cook new dishes for other family members or go for marketing for the household or do some other work for your family or friends.

Related Reading: Top 10 dangerous physical intimacy issues that may affect your marriage.

Set your mind that will take time to forget.

It’s hard to get over a painful breakup. And if we advise you to force yourself to forget about your ex then it is wrong.

Only you can understand how difficult it is to deal with the pain of a breakup. And we will only reassure you.

And the most important thing is that old memory is not easily forgotten. It remains to be seen whether that person will be happy or sad, and it will take a long time to forget them.

For example, you give time to heal the wounds automatically in your bodies, like this you have to give your mind some time to understand all those hardships and to forget the old memories.

Try to do new things.

What to do when you miss your ex-girlfriend?

What happens to you is very bad, and we know that it is completely normal to feel depressed and unhappy.

Because losing someone you love and spending some unforgettable moments with that person leaves you alone and makes you feel lonely.

Everyone wants to be alone after a breakup or divorce. Trying new things or activities will take your mind off of them and that is healthy for you.

When you engage yourself with new activities like joining Jim or participating in meditation classes or joining in a charity event that will. Make you busy and you have no time to miss your ex.

What God does for your good.

Do you believe in God? If yes, take his decision seriously because God’s decision is never wrong. Now you think that the bitterness in your relationship is good for you?

Still, you are suffering and it is true. But remember one thing God can put something good behind your pain.

You should go to any religious place because it gives you a sense of peace, relaxation, enlightenment, and calm.

That place reminds you of your values and makes you feel safe and satisfied. And that place formulates positivity in your body.

So make some time for something that brings you belief, confidence, faith, and hope to keep your head up.

Related Reading: Top 7 ways to overcome the fear of physical intimacy in a relationship.

Consider a therapist.

After a breakup, you try to do everything but you still miss your ex. And this is not your fault so you never need to blame yourself.

Just consult a therapist and without any hesitation, you said everything to them. If you want to consult online then it’s okay. There are many counselors are available online.

If you feel nervous or insecure to consult any experienced therapist then we want to make sure that you are safe and secure to share your thoughts and problems.

A licensed professional can help you process your feelings and formulate solutions for when you are missing your ex so much.

Focus on your current relationship.

What to do when you miss your ex after months? Except for that relationship, there are other relationships that love you and need you most.

There are your family, friends, relatives, and others who are your well-wisher. So try to spend some time with them.

Give priority to your parents now and live for them. And if you are still in a new relationship and miss your ex then you focus on your new relationship.

20 simple things to do when you miss your ex.
20 simple things to do when you miss your ex.

Never prove you are weak.

Are you miss your ex? Everyone who listens about your breakup definitely feels sad. But it doesn’t mean that divorce occurs only for you.

It is easy to take every fault and mistake in your head and blame yourself. But it is not remotely true. So stop blaming yourself.

For a healthy and successful relationship, both sides need to be equally committed and it’s totally wrong to blame yourself and prove that you are weak and you do every mistake.

Use your feelings of missing your ex as your strength.

Make your weaknesses a weapon and learn to fight with them instead of wallowing in self-pity and bobbling up yourself, you can be more optimistic about your problem and circumstance.

Use the pain you feel from missing your ex as an inspiration to improve yourself. Aside from being another way to divert your attention, the process of self-grooming will make you feel better.

You can start attending the gym regularly or wake up early for a daily morning walk and make yourself fit and fine.

Similarly, you can start changing your clothes and costume for a change of style. You can also take care of your skin and hair for a total makeover. So do these things when missing your ex.

Control your feelings.

What to do when you miss your ex so much after years? It is very difficult to get away from that person after having a few days of a relationship with someone.

A lot of problems and complications that occur around your feelings are about knowing how to deal with the extremes or judging yourself for your feelings and thoughts that you should be thinking about something else.

If you have trouble with certain emotions or feelings of growing up without models of how to deal with them, then you can be very nervous and scared.

You miss your ex is actually not the feelings that are complicated, but rather the activities that you take established on these sad feelings.

Not all people are the same, accept someone who wants to be with you.

After a breakup or divorce, some people assumed that every people are same and then they will not be ready to connect with someone else.

It’s a normal thing for those who suffer many months or years from the memories of their ex. But for your knowledge, we want to say to you that every people are different and their things, likes, and dislikes are different.

It may possible that your ex is not for you. You deserve better than your ex. So give yourself a chance to connect with the people who what’s to be with you.

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What not to do when you miss your ex?

You dealing with the pain and grief of a breakup. We know that not everyone is the same. So not everyone deals with divorce or separation in the same way.

Some people express their grief and pain to others, but others do not. Those who do not share their feelings take the wrong steps.

And in that tragedy they are confused and they do not know what to do and what not to do. So here we want to advise you that you don’t do these things when you miss your ex.

Do not practice bad habits.

When people go through a hard break-up, they are inclined to turn to self-destructive habits like drinking, smoking, and other bad things.

So you as possible as avoid these bad habits and show people that you know how to deal with a breakup.

Don’t let yourself be alone.

Behaving normally is difficult for you after a divorce or a breakup. But you need to behave normally. Do your work as you do before.

We understand that you want to stay alone but the question is how many days do you stay alone? If you stay alone then people easily know that you are in a problem.

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You also like to watch this video: 20 simple things to do when you miss your ex.

Don’t let yourself be taken, prisoner.

Every single person loves their family, especially their parents. So you need to take care of your health for the sake of your family.

Staying alone is a sign you miss your ex so spend time with your family members, if you have a pet then take care of the pet and play with them.

Don’t neglect yourself.

You neglect yourself means you miss your ex. Some people don’t take their meals at the time and also they aren’t taking care of their health. Stop going to the gym, morning walk, office, or school.

So we suggest you continue your everyday work and especially take care of yourself. Because health is wealth. You miss your ex and your health is totally different thing.

Don’t forget your goal.

Life teaches us new lessons for making us stronger and sharper. It is okay that your relationship was gone. But your confidence is still with you. Missing your ex is completely normal.

Giving yourself a break is totally right and it is necessary for a new beginning. Now you don’t want to do anything but you do promises that you continue your work and achieve your goal.

Bottom line from Progrowinlife.

Read this when you miss your ex and follow the point mentioned in this article (what to do when you miss your ex?) here for a better life.

It is normal to miss your ex after a breakup, particularly if you had a long-term relationship with that person and you have collected many happy memories together.

But there are many simple things you can do to stop missing your ex, so you are not craving for them forever.

If you feel that the article (20 simple things to do when you miss your ex.) is useful to you then give your valuable feedback in our comment box.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How do I stop thinking about missing my ex?

Top 10 things you can do to stop thinking about your ex.
1. Distract yourself so you are too busy.
2. Build some boundaries with yourself.
3. Give yourself some time to be sad, mad, angry, to happy.
4. Reconnect with who you are.
5. Again write it all out.
6. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
7. Remove the things in your life that remind you of them.
8. Be a little selfish.
9. Indulge in all the self-care.
10. Understand that you may still have lingering feelings for this person.

How long does it take to stop missing an ex?

According to a new study it was found that the overcome process takes an average of 18 months. These 18 months are based on the three major breakups. But everything depends upon you.

What are the signs you miss your ex?

The top 8 signs you miss your ex,
1. 24 hours he or she is in your mind.
2. You react when you hear your ex-partner’s name.
3. The beautiful memories stir up your feelings.
4. You search for him or her on social media.
5. You are tempted to contact him or her.
6. You inquire about his or her relationship status.
7. You look at your old pictures deeply.
8. You want to go their hometown.

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