No one wants to come to the top of the list of the narcissist zodiac signs because it sounds very bad or rough.
And it means a negative sense or way in simple words it means selfishness (think only me and myself).
Some people show that they are selfish and some are very smart that’s why they never show that they come under the narcissist category.
Narcissists or egocentrics may seem exciting, thrilling, and warm but inside they’re actually very hard, detached, and lack kindness and empathy.
And this is the top reason that makes them narcissists because they don’t think beyond themselves.
Some narcissists are completely knowledgeable of their narcissism but they ignore that for their benefit.
And some narcissists do nothing about it because they don’t think their nature or personalities are a bad thing and that’s one of the top signs of narcissistic people.
If you like to be the conscious way in advance before communicating with a narcissist then you need to know who comes to the list of narcissist zodiac signs.
Here we give you a little guidance that may keep you attentive before connecting with a narcissist.
Table of Contents
Most Narcissist Zodiac Signs (highest to lowest)
Egocentrics or narcissists do whatever they want to do to get what they exactly want, even if it leads to brutality or violence.
While these narcissists may appear influencing, alluring, and warm, they’re really unkind, cold, unattached, and lacking in kindness and sympathy.
For these above reasons, Aries, Leo, Virgo, and Scorpio zodiac people have usually considered the 4 most narcissistic zodiac signs in astrology.
Most narcissists are fully conscious or know of their narcissism but they do nothing about it because they think that their qualities are good and everyone has that quality.
They’re not users or followers like other innocent people, they’re just focused and specified to get what they like or want out of life.
And the top quality of every narcissist is that they believe they’re an allrounder and they have knowledge in everything and they are superior to everyone.
Aries (March 21–April 19)

Aries zodiac people are more selfish than narcissistic that’s why they come to the top of the list of narcissist zodiac signs.
And they are not like others means they give first priority to themselves it means they aren’t thinking of others and don’t take them into account, even when it’s a closed person.
This Aries zodiac people are stubborn that’s why they do what they want and it clearly indicates that they are definitely profitable after that, if it works out for others, that’s cool; if it doesn’t, that’s not their responsibility.
So for your good sense, you don’t try to challenge their exceptional level because you’ll have a battle on your hands.
Sometimes they deal with emotions but for the person who is close to their heart and after some time they think that they do a mistake in their life.
Their childish nature forces them to do something for others and at the same time they fight with others like a child so no one knows when they change their mind.
No doubt that they are comes to the narcissist zodiac signs list but they are honest and committed to their words.
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Leo (July 23–August 22)

Leo is the second most narcissistic zodiac sign on the list of highest to lowest narcissistic zodiac signs list.
Naturally, these zodiac people want all the undivided attention in the room and always want to be the king of the group.
That’s why they dominate others and highlight themselves for their popularity and profits.
They are known for being spotlight lovers and self-centered and it’s always their first priority and then they think about others.
They are born with leadership qualities that can charm a space full of people and they are knowledgeable of this quality.
And all these things or qualities make them a narcissist and take them top on the list of the narcissist zodiac signs list and they will always try to show others that they are better than everyone in every way.
Overconfidence is the normal thing for these Leo zodiac people and it makes them selfish in terms that rightly define them.
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Virgo (August 23–September 22)
Virgo zodiac people are known for their perfectionist nature and they have many narcissistic natures which clearly define their personality.
Here at least one narcissistic characteristic, which is that they’re persuaded they’re always the biggest intellectual in the room.
Virgo zodiac people are full of themselves and have the information or data to back it up since they love nothing better than exploring.
Possibly because Virgo zodiacs are very clever or intelligent, they’re very good fibbers and will tell an untruth to get what they want.
Narcissists pursue perfection and they always desire everything perfect which is quite impossible because no one is perfect in this world.
These zodiac people always live in their way and have the perfect partner, the perfect home, and the perfect job which sometimes hurt others’ lifestyles.
And their perfectionist is one of the main reasons for their narcissism so do Virgos.
Narcissists and Virgo zodiacs alike can act in an arrogant or conceited way which is completely wrong and for that, they come to the 3rd position on the list of narcissist zodiac signs.
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Scorpio (October 24–November 21)
There is no doubt that Scorpio zodiac people can be really selfish and the most dangerous zodiac people.
And if something went wrong with Scorpio zodiac people by someone that has recently been hurt or betrayed then they never need time to change their personality.
This rude personality makes them very vengeful and that can be a little tricky to handle, so don’t fight with them.
But if they are in a good mood or good place or area then they’re not that senior kind of narcissistic like Aries and Leo.
If you dump a Scorpio zodiac person then it can turn unpleasing for you because they are comes under the narcissistic zodiac group.
Usually, these Scorpio zodiac people are very unkind, calculating, rude, jealous, and violent so never expect sympathy from them.
They don’t appear to see how bad or wrong it is to take benefits or advantage of others to get what they want.
The additional point is these Scorpios have a skill for completely blocking people out.
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Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Taurus zodiac people tend to believe that they’re the best in everything they do and they deserve everything better than most people have.
They have thinking that what they do is for their own interest or good and is worth it because they feel they are excellent at all good.
Taurus zodiac people also lack sympathy or compassion and they strongly oppose placing themselves in others’ shoes and thought.
Taurus zodiac people and narcissists both also tend to be tyrants who always want their way and live like a boss.
No doubt, these zodiac people are also very good manipulators and can be superficial and materialistic.
That’s why they come to the list of top 5 narcissist zodiac signs in the position of 5th. So it’s better to be conscious.
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Aquarius (January 20–February 18)
If you charged these Aquarius zodiac people with being narcissistic then you get negative feedback from them because they do not easily accept their mistakes.
They have the quality that they show innocent and do wrong things besides that if they are disclosed then they would never agree to it.
Rather, they would convert topics or fake tales to say that they’re nothing doing wrong or just trying to be independent.
Well, Aquarius people can be independent to the point where they only think about themselves, and no chance that they think about anything for others’ profit
There are many reasons which make them the 6th narcissist zodiac on the list of narcissist zodiac signs.
After all, these zodiac people think only of their own needs and want and they are always their own favorite.
These Aquarius zodiacs are very goal-oriented, and to fulfill their needs or goals, they take advantage of other people.
And no doubt that they love the undivided attention too, and for that attention, they can go to any extent.
If you look that an Aquarius zodiac person does a lot of compassion or charity work, then you must understand that it is simply a way to get attention and supporters.
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Capricorn (December 22–January 19)
Capricorn zodiac people are too reliable and principled but that’s not to say they don’t have some narcissistic traits.
These zodiac people are in the seventh position on the list of narcissist zodiac signs which means they are narcissists.
This zodiac sign can be somewhat calculating and cold-hearted when it comes to getting what they want.
These Capricorn zodiacs are dependable and take advantage of that, which means they show their selfishness by helping them and assisting them.
If we said they are cheaters then it is not enough for them because they think about them like other narcissists but intentionally hurting others is bad.
On some points, you are right because you think about yourself but not thinking of the person who cares about you is a sign of a narcissist.
When Capricorn zodiacs were going to be narcissistic, it probably would have something to do with their profession or career.
And yes, manipulating a loved one wouldn’t sit right with them. After all, they come to the narcissist zodiac signs category.
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Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Sagittarius zodiac people are not like the above zodiac signs who are most narcissistic than others.
If someone gets in the way of Sagittarius zodiac people getting what they want, they’ll make you regret it.
When it comes to telling what’s on their mind, Sagittarius zodiac people can be blunt and don’t look like to care how much it hurts others.
And the worst quality of these people is they judge everyone on their point of view and never see things from another person’s point of view.
They are sharp-minded people because when they use manipulation tactics, they never think that it affects others’ life or resources and don’t see how it’s wrong.
We never said that Sagittarius people are evil the way that other top narcissists can be, only immature and self-centered nature.
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Gemini (May 21–June 21)
Gemini zodiac people tend to be too strew and confusing to be good narcissists because of their talkative nature.
No doubt, the Gemini zodiacs are very clever and can clearly spin a story to make themselves look like a hero and that is the top talent to hide their bad intention.
They’re actually not great at using people for their own necessities or profits. But they smartly achieve their goals by putting their foot on others’ shoulders.
They can be narcissistic when it comes to speaking about themselves, but even then, they’re not out to ill-treat anyone unnecessarily.
Gemini zodiac people are intelligent and very social, which are the most helpful characteristics if they’re narcissists.
But Gemini zodiacs are, at their importance, too easygoing and thoughtful to be good narcissists too.
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Cancer (June 22—July 22)
Cancer zodiac people can be needy like a narcissist but not hurt others unnecessarily that’s why they come to the bottom side of the narcissist zodiac signs list.
It’s right that they will use whatever tricks and tips they have to keep someone paying attention to them and easily they get what they really want.
These zodiac people never want more like others, especially Aries and Leos, they fight for their necessities as human beings.
Cancer zodiacs are too sympathetic, forgiving, and compassionate to be true narcissists. They deal with every matter or issue heartily so they face many obstacles in their life.
These Cancer zodiacs might be codependent, suspicious, and highly pessimistic, but they’re not pretentious, cold-blooded, or scheming.
When Cancer people get emotionally hurt it may be their near one or others, they can become very self-centered and consumed with emotions of self-pity.
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Libra (September 23–October 23)

Libra zodiac people can be very tricky, dishonest, and superficial which is a sign of narcissism.
These Libra zodiacs usually like pretty things and pretty people and will use their magic or charm to get them.
All Libra zodiacs enjoy getting undivided attention and naturally expect unique and exceptional differential treatment from others which makes them the king or leader.
But they’re not cruel or arrogant because they always try to stay away from any conflicts or arguments which hamper their image and personality.
They seriously love talking about themselves and will stretch the point of those things if they feel that the listener isn’t impressed enough.
It doesn’t matter to them if you had fun with the same part in your academy play, Libra zodiacs will tell others that they did it better.
After all, why do they come to the bottom side of the list of narcissist zodiac signs? Because they are not aggressive or short-tempered, they do in a way that both are profitable.
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Pisces (February 19–March 20)
The lowest narcissist zodiac sign is the most colorful and romantic zodiac Pisces.
It comes to the bottom of the list of narcissist zodiac signs because Pisces is usually so selfless, they tend not to be narcissists.
It doesn’t mean that they are not narcissistic but they are not like the other 11 zodiac people who give first preference to themselves.
That’s why these zodiac people have too much trouble being figuring, unconscious, and unsympathetic, as those qualities go against everything they stand for.
Pisces zodiacs are more satisfied and feel comfortable being followers than leaders which is not a sign of narcissism.
They are happy in their little world but dreams are many in their eyes.
After all, they probably don’t have the energy or confidence required to be a narcissist.
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Zodiac Signs From Highest To Lowest Narcissist.
According to astrologer Gopansh Chaturvedi, all zodiac signs are narcissistic but the percentage differs from one zodiac sign to another zodiac sign.
Never put up with a narcissist at face value or believe what they tell, particularly if it’s about themselves.
To assist you to point out the true personality of a narcissist, here’s a look at how they act according to their astrologically-influenced personality traits.
1. Aries.
2. Leo.
3. Virgo.
4. Scorpio.
5. Taurus.
6. Aquarius.
7. Capricorn.
8. Sagittarius.
9. Gemini.
10. Cancer.
11. Libra.
12. Pisces.

Bottom Line From Progrowinlife.
You are here means you read all the points and know your position in the list of narcissist zodiac signs. But if you feel that something is wrong here then you have some doubts so you need to clear that.
Everyone is a narcissist but the percentage is different because for living a happy and healthy life a person needs to do something for him or her but that doesn’t mean that the person is a narcissist.
Doing violence or hurting someone for your benefit is a sign of narcissism. On the basis of that level, we listed these narcissist zodiac signs.
If you feel that this article (the narcissist zodiac signs) is informative then visit again.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What zodiac sign is usually a narcissist?
The zodiac sign Aries is usually a narcissist because they are not like others means they give first priority to themselves it means they aren’t thinking of others and don’t take them into account, even when it’s a closed person.
This Aries zodiac people are stubborn that’s why they do what they want and it clearly indicates that they are definitely profitable after that, if it works out for others, that’s cool; if it doesn’t, that’s not their responsibility.
Who is most likely to be a narcissist?
According to a study it was found that men are more narcissistic than women and age also plays a vital role here.
If we come to the zodiac sign then there are different categories based on different points.
What are the 15 signs of a narcissist?
Below we listed all the 15 signs of a narcissist.
1. Lack of Sympathy.
2. Lack of responsibility.
3. Dominate others.
4. Perfectionism.
5. Needs undivided attention.
6. Superiority.
7. Always control others.
8. Give priority to themselves.
9. Hypersensitive.
10. Exploitative.
11. Self-obsessed.
12. Telling lie with confidence.
13. Arrogant behaviour.
14. “They are always right” thinking.
15. Making grandiose statements.
What are the 7 traits of a narcissist?
There is a list of 7 traits or characteristics of a narcissist.
1. They are arrogant.
2. They are well manipulators.
3. They never stand rejection.
4. They appear perfect at first.
5. They are willing to listen to themselves.
6. They hate failure.
7. They are attention seekers.
Are virgos narcissistic?
Yes, Virgo zodiac people are narcissistic and they come to the third point of the list of narcissist zodiac signs.
Virgo zodiac people are known for their perfectionist nature and they have many narcissistic natures which clearly define their personality.
Here at least one narcissistic characteristic, which is that they’re persuaded they’re always the biggest intellectual in the room.
Virgo zodiac people are full of themselves and have the information or data to back it up since they love nothing better than exploring.
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