How to survive in an unhappy marriage (valuable tips)

We struggle to find happiness in our married life but grief comes automatically. A person is sadder when they hope for something more and the result is the opposite. So, you must know that how to survive in an unhappy marriage? But we are human beings and we live by hope, love and faith. So no matter what the danger, we don’t want to leave our partner.

How to survive in an unhappy marriage?

That’s why we want a solution to bring back the happiness of life and the tricks and tips to live in the relationship which break us again and again and give us the strengthto survive in an unhappy marriage.

Marriage is based on sacrifices and compromises on both sides. If one of them forgot every vow and do the things which harmful to a relationship then what will the other person do? At the same time, the other person cannot be happy in their marriage or the relationship cannot be broken. So they are bound to stay in the relationship.

Still, you live an unhappy marriage life?

Before marriage, no one thought she would be unhappy in their marriage. But the person did not give up, even though they wanted to. Some people may not know that they are in a relationship where there is nothing but grief. Even though they know, they live with them. Compared to men, women are more miserable in marriage than men, and they don’t want to break up with them because they think their spouses will change and make the world happier again. But is that really the case? Does their spouse really come back to them and stay together as before?

If you are in a relationship like this and there is some dissatisfaction somewhere and want some happiness and peace for the rest of your life then you try to find happiness in sorrow. Try to keep yourself happy and don’t expect anything more from your partner. If you have a baby, be happy to see their face and plan for the future of the baby.

Why a person lives an unhappy marriage life?

This is a tough and big decision to stay in an unhappy relationship with the same person in your whole life. There are many reasons why they can’t break up and live miserable lives.

  • The first reason is that they love their partner very much and don’t want to leave them and they never want to stay alone.
  • The second reason is that they are in a relationship for their children’s future and their identity, their rights.
  • The third one is social pressure and family stress which breaks a person again and again.
  • The fourth reason is monetary insecurity in their daily life including their children till they are well-settled.
  • The fifth reason is the Stigma of marital separation and public shame that make their life more miserable than in an unhappy marriage.

They think that they have no choice to leave their partner. Because it takes a long time to create their own identity in society so they don’t want to ruin their identity so they stay reluctant. When someone decides to stay then they have a strong mindset and have a particular reason to stay.

How to surviving in an unhappy marriage?

I know it’s difficult to be around the person who cheated on you, hurt you a lot. And you feel like you have lost. It seems impossible to think of living together and living a happy married life together. If you have already decided not to divorce, you must know how to be happy in that relationship. But how do you know?

Here we provide some tips and tricks to survive an unhappy and unhealthy married life. I know you already give your full of efforts to stay happy but still not happy. After few days you forget that why you marry this person and what was your dreams about marriage and now what to do? I hope that I will help you and give support to sustain you in your journey.

The following tips are more sensitive and significant for you to survive. So read this and gain your needy things that make your face glow with happiness. Let’s start to read.

Note:-if you are unhappy in your marriage and the reason is domestic violence then you are not safe in your relationship. If you have a child then their life is also dangerous. So, when necessary you can’t act your police station and your family.

Spend some time alone and enjoy your loneliness.

When you feel like everything goes out of control and you feel annoyed, it’s okay to run away and try to stay alone for a while and feel your own time. This time is more valuable for you in future. And yes, if you feel that something not working out between you and your partner but the two don’t want to be separated from each other then it’s a chance to spend some time alone.

This alone time gives you some headspace and disconnects from each other for some time and this time you think that what is really wanting you to live in life.

The distance between you and your spouse is giving you the second chance to know yourself again and these things are working when you are swept up in your relationship.

It makes you strong and helps you to think that how you live an independent life and pacify any preference to try to control one another.

If you have been wanting some time to Settle your mind then you surely have it. The distance teaches you both the importance of one another in your life and every second you think about how to settle everything and automatically your behaviour also changed.

Accept your spouse what they are now.

This is the key to give you the strength to live that person who never cares about your feelings. It’s not easy to accept the wrong things and the same thing happens to you every day. As much as possible keep yourself away from all that wrong work and wrong place. It’s good for you and your children.

You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward your children and it is also important to note that they do not move in the wrong direction.

You may have noticed that you are angry at very small things and are abusing your spouse. What will happen if you do this? You will grieve yourself and grieve the people in front of you.

Accept the situation that going on now.

When you understand that nothing is to be changed or else nothing can happen as before. So you can’t do anything in that situation. So, you can change yourself to fit in that situation.The timing may change and the situation will improve but you will have to keep up with the situation until it arrives.

It is better to leave some things or work on time. No matter what your time or circumstances, it should not affect your child. Do the same as you did with the children from the past or as you used to do with them. Let them not be sacrificed in your strife.

Try to be independent.

It means you make yourself strong and important. You need to learn to fulfill all the needs of yourself and your family. Because you can no longer rely on that person to understand everything you say. It is also wrong to dream of expecting such a thing from that person who never cares for you.

This is a golden opportunity to stand on your own feet and be able to earn a living. Satisfy your daily needs and do whatever your child needs. Walk shoulder to shoulder with your partner and help him or her when needed. At first, it will be difficult to do all this but it will gradually become a habit. Make sure you do it for your own happiness and your own benefits.

Don’t look for happiness in others.

Because of this, many people are in mourning today. If your spouse had thought of your happiness, they would not have done so. So you have to think about how to be happy yourself and ignore all the things and matters that are bothering you. If you have children, try to keep all of your attention with them. If you have a job outside, focus on your work and your goals.

If married life is miserable for you, find out why this happened and how to change it. If your partner is dissatisfied with some of your bad habits, quit that habit immediately and don’t go to the same place if necessary. Give the relationship another chance and also give yourself a chance to fix the relationship. When all is well, you will be happy and your partner will be happy.

Try to know what exactly your partner want.

Try to find out what your husband really wants and try again to let them be fulfilled. The relationship between husband and wife is the most diverse and they have to work very hard to maintain that diversity. When you know that your spouse is attracted to someone other than you, then you are angry, insulted, and quarreled. But what was the benefit? Yes, some anger and pride came out and it is only natural that this should happen. But in the next moment, you need to think about why your partner did that?

Love as much as you have in the past, or change a little bit of whatever you were doing. Try to fill the void within him or her.

Take care of yourself and your children.

Take care of yourself and your children. The situation today will change tomorrow. But once your health deteriorates, it will not change in the future. When your body and mind are not right, at that point, you can’t use the front. So take the time for yourself and meet your needs. We need to focus on the things that make you happy and make yourself in a way that will make you happier in your marriage.

Go for a walk in the morning or join the gym for your physical fitness. Doing so will keep your mind and body well and also take some time out of homework and spend time outside of your home and mix with other people. Stay outside for a while and enjoy nature.

Try not to have such an issue in the future.

All the problems you are facing or have been doing in the past then try not to have such issues in the future again. And if you feel like your relationship is about to end in the previous issues then you have to make sure that this doesn’t happen again in your marriage.

If you feel that this problem is not solved now nor can it be solved in the future. So there is no need to break down because it creates an opportunity for you to get to know yourself, to bring out the art inside you, and to solve all the problems with your determination. Keep an eye out for what’s missing. What else can you do better? You can bring happiness to your relationship.

Get in touch with your partner again.

When you have an unhappy marriage, at the same time, communication, contact, and connection between the two of you are strained. If you stay apart, you will be sad and your partner will be sad. So try to get your relationship back to normal and once again the love between the two grows. But it’s not easy because you’re both reluctant to talk about it.

Even when the talk starts, it ends in a fight. Now you no longer have the same love or conversation as before. So your first duty was to behave as you were talking before. Try to connect emotionally again, so you give your full effort and time to regain the emotional connection. Start the new phase of your life with dating and go to the place where both feel comfortable to share your feelings which hides in your heart for a long time. If you feel comfortable to again talk with calls and messages then you must do that.

Bottom line from progrowinlife.

Marriage is a strange life. We feel less happy and more sad in this life. But blessed is the person who finds happiness in sorrow. There are many problems in life, in relationships, in marriage but we have to face patience. Happiness and sorrow, laughter and tears, day and nights are like the bright and shadows of this life. But all can be done when a good spouse is found.

If your marital life is going dark, follow the points and the tips mentioned above. I think it will definitely help you and you will definitely benefit. I would like to reiterate that if you are mentally abused and physically abused, please reach out to the police station in your area and complain because your children may be in danger with you. Resolve problems as soon as possible and be happy again.

Image credit goes to iStock

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