Why love marriage is better than arrange marriage?(Top benefits)

Why love marriage is better than arrange marriage?

Love marriage and arranged marriage are not equal. There are so many differences like social acceptance, elders opinions, Kundli matching, and so on. In the case of love marriage, you choose your partner, you know and love your spouse before marriage and in the case of arranged marriage, your family choose your partner and you love your spouse after marriage. This is the biggest discrepancy.

I never said that arrange marriage is bad, it’s okay. I just correlate both. I want to say that how a love marriage is beneficial for a strong and healthy wedding and how both are happy in their relationship. Am damn sure that love marriage is better than arranged marriage and l also describe why love marriage is better than arranged marriage?

Before described I prefer to say a little bit about marriage. It is a culturally, socially and legally recognized union of two people (spouses). It’s bonding in which you bound to accept your relationship and your spouse. After the nuptials, It is not mean that you agree or not(not applicable for everyone).

Finally, we are ready to open our magical love box and show what inside the box. Let’s start to disclose the benefits of love marriage one by one.

Top 9 benefits of love marriage.

In a love marriage, they both are Best Friends.

Yes, what you read is right. They are best friends first then husband-wife. Both spouses are happy and excited about their wedlock because they are waiting for this enormous day. They never flinch to share their feelings. The most important thing is newlyweds not need time to know each other. They share, care, laugh, fight, argue and love like a best friend and every relation (mother-daughter, father-son, husband-wife etc.) need a friendly conversation.

love marriage
Best Friend

All these things have not happened in an arranged marriage. In this relation, they need more time to make a friendly relationship. They hesitate to share anything with their partner. In some cases, couples are more serious about their relation and partner.

They have well known each other.

In the case of love marriage, both spouses are well known and they know what their partner likes and dislike and this is the best part of the alliance. Here they do not feel uncomfortable spending time together. They know which perfume he/she loved, which flavour ice cream he/she likes most and is on. They know their partners love behind the word ‘I hate you.’

3.7b ProGrowInLife
Well Known

In an arranged marriage, they are strangers and take some time to know what their partner wants from them. They think before what to do and always confused that he/she likes it or not.

In a love marriage, they well understood each other’s Personalities.

Understanding is a part of the pleased relationship and when it’s come to personality, both are acquainted with their attitude. They already know about their lifestyle, specialities, professions. A stable foundation of a new beginning requires love and understanding which are accessible in love marriage. They create more time to spend together.

3.7e ProGrowInLife

In an arranged marriage, couples are spending their first year or more than one year (depending upon their interest towards their partner) to understand their spouse’s personality. They always try to discern which things are equal in both and all these things take time. So their beginning to get bored.

Love Marriage gives Self-satisfaction.

Marriage is a lifetime settlement and you spend your whole life with your spouse. So everyone wishes for the best life partner. In a love marriage, they marry their loved one and feel satisfied with their relationship. People believe that their wishes get fulfilled and they found their soulmate as a life partner. So They spend every moment with amazing feelings and this self-satisfaction give the courage to build a long-lasting connection.

3.7c ProGrowInLife

In the case of arranged marriage, you marry an unknown person. After the wedding, both are trying to satisfy each other and they overlook their satisfaction. They are always thinking to make their relationship better than today.

They solve their problems more amicably.

All relationships are mind-blowing. But at some points, every affair face conflicts. Here the disputes are something different and both resolve them smoothly and friendly. Because they are well known and their understanding is very strong. They know how to short out this consequence. End of the day their love acts as a balm in wounds.

3.7a ProGrowInLife

In arranged marriage couples are argue and quarrel over little things. But the saddest thing is both are stand in their position and always want to prove that he/she is right. So their relationship getting loose.

It’s Bliss to live with their loved ones.

Yes, it is blissful to marry someone who you already loved. At the wedding, the position of love is higher than anything. When you flashback to your past you found the day when you meet her/him, you proposed to her, and the moment you fell in love again and again with the same person and the time you spend with her. All these memories filled your love marriage life with joy, happiness and pleasure.

3.7f ProGrowInLife

In the case of arranged marriage, you don’t know that person so there is nothing to memories. Everything is new to you including your spouse. After marriage, you make your days more special so that in future it’s a good remembrance.

Spend more time on the common interest.

When the couples are best friends more than hubby-wife connection. Then the time they spend is more interesting. They both share their time in the common interest. Like watching programmes on television or playing the same game or together cooking food which both loved most. The interesting thing is they fight fairly most of the time and the love they are sharing and caring for is endless.

3.7g ProGrowInLife

In the case of arranged marriage, they don’t know about their partner’s interests. And the most important thing is that they don’t know their interests are the same or not.

You are in charge and you are in control.

In a love marriage both are the boss in the family and also both are workers. No one is the head of the family. They do their work together. Some time both discuss the problem and solve that by putting their opinions. When necessary one needs a Mother’s suggestion. The most important problem is the money problem in every family. And here both feel equal and make their own decisions.

3.7h ProGrowInLife

In an arranged marriage, the husband always wants to dominate his wife. Sometimes wife never participates in money matters. The wife is in control of her husband and he is in charge of their home.

There is no dowry drama.

Nowadays,In our society, dowry is compulsory in marriages and this tradition has existed since time immemorial. In the case of highly educated families are also pay dowry. But the name is changed that is “dowry” change to “gift”. In the case of poor and uneducated families are more suffer from dowry. But in a love marriage, dowry is not mean. The important matter is the relationship with their spouse and that’s all. Love marriage is real matrimony.

3.7j ProGrowInLife

In the case of arranged marriage, there is so much drama on dowry and in some cases the groom’s family demand it. All the things that happened at the time of fixing marriage are not good. And our community judge and put their opinion about a bride and her family based on dowry.

This is the Conclusion point. And I hope you found strong explanations or justificationsabout love marriage and its benefits. Am damn sure that you clearly understood that love marriage is better than arranged marriage…

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