Are you using social media? Be conscious! Its affect your married life.

 In this world, millions of people have used a smartphone. Every generation used an android phone and iPhone. The young generation uses social media the most. First of all, they use it for their entertainment but now it’s a part of their life.

Social Media is not bad but somehow it affects your marriage life. After marriage certainly, they are not able to avoid social media.

Using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, WeChat, Telegram and so many apps are added to their daily routine.

We give our expensive time on mobile screens and our use time is excess. You all know that “too much anything is good for nothing”.

This proverb said that excesses lead to something bad. At first, we use social media but now social media use us. Social media is now a key factor in our life.

In a research, 70% of married couples are using social media for a little or larger time. And these social media create a platform for divorce.

In the case of newly married couples, These common issues are created by Social Media.

Spending too much time on Social Media.

In this busy life, we use social media for relaxation and entertainment. We deeply involved ourselves in the story shown on the mobile screen and forgot exterior what will happen in our surroundings.

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Spending time on mobile

We are busy with online friends and give our attention to them. Somewhere we lose our relationship. Whatever time you spend with your spouse, you spend it on social media. You hear your spouse’s words but your mind concertation on another thing that shows on your mobile. Your focus is diverted from your spouse to social media. Slowly you lose your relationship. Because you forget to talk and laugh or discuss any topic with your soulmate. You lose your soulmate in this digital world.

Increase Jealousy.

Naturally, in the case of newly married couples their expectations, emotions, and feelings are very high of each other. Jealousy is a negative emotion and it’s affecting your relationship. The big hand for establishing jealousness in your spouse is social media. Yes, you all feel this. So many people share their great moments on social media and some pictures which is not necessary to post.

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Increase Jealousy

It is no shock since Facebook Page lets anyone see a friend of friends, such as who is in the photo with your partner. Which creates a negative impact on your marriage life. You feel jealous and your feelings for your spouse are decreased day by day.

Increase Suspicions and Snooping.

Social Media provides instant information and allurement to us. Then we are addicted to collecting messages within a second and it is difficult to ignore them. We make unknown new friends and take e-meetings with them. On social media, we catch some new and some old fellows. On Social Media, we get drowned with a new friend or probably an ex-partner. Unknowingly you cheat your spouse. Somehow, it demolishes your healthy marriage life.

social media

Regardless of whether suspicions are set up or not, people feel anxious about their relationship and they start detecting their spouse’s account. This appalling situation leads to increasing jealousy, scrutinizing, and disputes in a relationship.

Unfaithfulness and Online Affairs.

Most people don’t feel shame about their work toward ruining their relationship and they dupe their partner again and again. These peoples are not interested in their spouses and most of the time they avoid their married life. Unfortunately, these people are warranted by their partners. Finally, their relationship comes to the point of divorce.

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Nowadays, it’s difficult to find out a soulmate online affair. So many social media apps are now available for creating new relationships or developing old ones. On research, many married people are involved in an online affairs.

Neglected their Relationship.

A healthy marriage life needs time to spend with each other. You both have so many responsibilities to continue your married life long-lasting. If one of them slips their feet then you lose your relationship. So many people are busy in their online social world and they are unhappy in their marriage relationship. Started neglecting their spouse. They create thousands of reasons to keep their distance from their spouse like coming home late at night and showing up that they are tired and so many excuses for delaying their relationship.

One thing you all remember is that ” One Soulmate is better than thousands of Online fake friends.” Always try to avoid social media and stay connected with your life partner. Make your house a home with love, trust, and care.

How to live a healthy marriage life read these 6 secret keys for successful marriage life.

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