Being a single mom is easy or not? (10 Difficulties)

Being a single mom is one of the most difficult roles in our lives. It arrives with the responsibility and obligation of raising a child. It is a chore or duty that is typically shared by two people (a husband and wife). In a single mom’s case, it’s much harder when she plays both mother and father’s roles.

In our society, we are exceptionally judgmental and more apprehensive about what goes on in the lives of others than our own. As a result, in the breakfast table to the dinner table discussions between politics and gossip.

Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed enough to find a life partner (husband) who would stick with her to share the burden. A single mom has to face a different life or a new life with a responsibility twice as much as a normal mum with a husband does.

Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed enough to find a life partner (husband) who would stick with her to share the burden. A single mom has to face a different life or a new life with a responsibility twice as much as a normal mum with a husband does.

That’s why we say a mother is a blessing that no one can replace. She has the quality to face every situation alone and she has the ability to maintain the family solely.

What do single mom’s struggle with?

In our society where marriage or the camaraderie between the husband and wife is religiously required, single moms are always misunderstood. But in truth, due to their huge sacrifices, undertakings and actions to raise their child or children alone, we cannot refute that these single mothers can also be known as super mom’s and deserve to be dealt with respect and prestige.

In honesty, we understand that the challenges of caring for children alone are innumerous. But there are some difficulties unusual to the person, and others that are common for all single mom’s. To advise or instruct people and assist them to realize what single moms have been through, this list strikes those 10 common single mom struggles that everyone should know.

single mom

Conserving their children from judgmental people.

Some mothers look at their child as someone with a highly infectious disease that they don’t allow their children to be near him or her. As if being a commodity of a broken home is a disorder. We can’t avert the type of people who are so censorious. And one of the struggles every single mom has to face is conserving their children from those sentimental assaults.

Monetary Struggle.

Having no partner (husband) also means that financial responsibility is exclusively for the single mother to take on. Yes, the electric bills, food, study and hospitalization are some of the things that a single mom has to look out for on her own. This is the hardest part for a mom to fulfil all the necessities of her children.

Having no one to share the burden with.

Being a mother I mean a single mum is a 24hr duty without holidays and having no one to share the burden with can be irresistible or compelling. And the terrible part of it is when the children are still too young and are more likely to have illness or pains.

As a single mom, she has once given up working after her child was hospitalized for a week because of severe illness. Sure, there would be times when everything can be extremely annoying and depressing but hey, it doesn’t destroy you makes you powerful.

Being judged shortly.

The main and possibly the toughest part of being a single mom is that people judge you without even making an effort to figure out how she bought into that situation. Most people would leap to the judgment that you got pregnant because of an unplanned pregnancy.

In other words, we cannot even judge single moms because most of them became such after making a very difficult decision- to raise and secure their child alone rather than to compromise the future of their child with an unpredictable husband.

Single mom’s has no right to complain.

Yes, everyone believes that it is the fault of a wife( single mother) – it was her foolish choice that directed her to be a single mother so she has no right to complain about whatever the heck she is going through.

So if she is not happy with her life, live with it. Whenever things are a bit too much to deal with, all she could do is cry in the bathroom so that no one would notice.

Single moms’ life is unfair.

We must all have complained about life is simply not satisfactory. But for a single mother, life bears even more. You notice, men(father) could have children from different women and life continues for them, but when a woman’s children are not from the same person(father), she will be the centre of all murky stories.

Explaining the crisis to the children.

When she is a single mother, it senses like she is explainable to everyone she knows and a description as to how she came out being a single mom. But the most complicated portion to understand it too is your child.

Immediately or later your children are going to raise a question of why other children’s dads are with them every day and why they hardly ever see their father.

being a single mom

A single mom has no time for herself.

Being a single mom uses up all her time and energy on working to provide good food and clothes for her children, pay the house rent, electric bills, and attend to the children that she hardly has time to look into the mirror.

Sometimes, although she would wish to spend time with friends to loosen up or go to a parlor, she simply can’t. As a mom, she would rather put their necessities first before her needs. These are the responsibilities of a mother in a child’s life.

A single mom dealing with the X(husband).

There are different types of husbands but the most common are those who disappear into a thin atmosphere and would be back after several years and the other who would be following her around vowing he is a changed man but dissatisfy her every time she gives him a “second chance”.

Both types are better prevented but usually, children would like to get to understand their father so she has no choice but to strive to be social with the man for her kid’s sake.

It’s difficult to find someone to accept her and her “baggage”.

Awful as it is, it’s difficult to get at a good man who would like to become a man and wife with a single mom. Most gentlemen consider the kid as “baggage”. If ever you discover a male who would receive a single mom and her child, it may be her in-laws who would make her life unhappy.

How to be a successful single mother?

Being a single mom is becoming a worldwide criterion, and we have popular successful single mommies in Hollywood like Halle Berry, Katie Holmes and Angelina Jolie are expressing the way through their passionate stories.

So there is no refuting the truth that being a single mom brings with it a bunch of battles. From existing alone financially to being the sentimental commentator to the children, it’s an extremely hard task that a single mom has to be at 24×7.

Research exhibits single mothers who have higher education degrees have children who complete such degrees as well. So how to be a successful single mom? how to be a good mother? Here we describe the top 9 ways you can work things out.

Single mom does not need to feel guilty.

In the case of single moms, As such working moms have the remorse that they are not spending enough time with their children, single mothers always have the twice guilt that their children are growing up without the father. So being a good mom is better than being a perfect mom.

As a result, they do everything to their best and often fail miserably. Let’s face it, single moms are not supermoms and children adjust rapidly to circumstances, so there is no purpose to feel guilty about not being apt to spend enough time, not being able to give the satisfactory lifestyle, not taking them out for vacations they expect and the list goes on.

Single mom is also male role models.

Children growing up with a single mother has less idea about men. Sometimes if the parents are separated after a divorce, they grow up with distorted concepts about men.

So it is significant and also essential to have good male role models who would give them a reasonable impression of how men are like and most honorably, who are the “best” men.

A single mom created a schedule.

You have a little knowledge that children function best within a schedule. Since you are a single mom, you have to seize extra care to maintain the schedule in your position.

If it goes out of order, you will have to do double the labour to put it before in order. As a single mom juggling, job, family and children schedules are very tough, and you might just think like letting them play video games way beyond bedtime so that you can also relax on the sofa for some time.

single mom

A single mom establish boundaries with her children.

Boundaries are necessary for every relationship. Be it a private relationship between two partners, boundaries go a long way in assuring the relationship stay strong and successful.

Find out the power of announcing “no” and children could be manipulative and could arm-twist you by tossing tempers, and you require to understand how not to budge.

If you can create boundaries with your children then rather than constantly persuading and urging you for approvals they would learn from the beginning where to draw the line. So establishing boundaries for your children is the best role of a mother.

The child’s assistance really matters.

As single mothers, they always verge to do things for their children. They might think like having breakfast in bed, and they are inclined to satisfy them out of love and affection, never thinking of the harmful effects in the long run.

Single moms should make the children understand that mums have a lot on their hands, be it at family or job. Since they are doing everything alone a little assistance from their children is very significant. A child should participate in giving rise to the show running smoothly, and the kid’s input matters.

A single mom has social binding.

Being a single mom doesn’t mean withstanding like an island. A single mother requires to have tight relationships with friends and relatives so that child understands the importance of relationships and social bonding.

Unless staying in an extended family with grandparents, kids growing up with single moms don’t get to see the glueing between parents. So it is important to develop relationships beyond the unexpected family of two and implicate the children in these relationships by organizing social meets and other functions.

Doesn’t pin down her child with expectations.

Single mommies are inclined to make their children the center of their world and have all sorts of expectations from them. This often puts tension and stress on them, and they grow up thinking that their mother’s achievement and failure is sure of on them, and they get stressed out.

Avert this circumstance. As a mother, do your best for your children but have other platforms. Have a specialty, join a book league or do other things that make you pleased.

A single mom must keep away gadgets.

This is valid for every relationship but more acceptable to a single mom and child relationship because you are wanted to provide them all the attention. Try to stay away from gadgets when you get family.

Receive the office call or an occasional message but don’t keep squeezing into your gadget as if your life were sure of that. This is the way you can do successful single childrearing. Spend time with your children just gossiping, playing, watching TV together or finishing the homework.

Teach her children to respect her privacy.

Single moms tell that in a single-parent household, the bond between the mother and child is very strong and powerful, the child often declines to accept that the mommy could have a personal life beyond them.

The child has to be cultivated the significance of privacy which includes manners like knocking on the entrances, not looking into mom’s mobile or not barging in when she is in the compartment with a colleague or relative.

Bottom line from progrowinlife.

A single mom’s parenting responsibilities are not different than they are for a married one- except that you’re on your own. Here are some of the hugest concerns of new single moms, and a few words of wisdom to encourage you to overcome them.

Being a single mother is difficult to work. But when a mom decides that she is staying alone with her children is better than living with her husband. Then it’s a decision for her child’s future. We appreciate you and your decision.

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